Let's Get in Touch

    Powering the next generation of Southeast Asian Tech startups

    By marrying our operational and strategic input

    And taking the difficult but rewarding Journey with them

    Southeast Asia’s technology wave is just beginning…

    …and we believe Journey’s combination of seasoned tech investors and operators is key to supporting startups – from Series A to their later stages. We’re excited to embark on this journey with our investors and founders

    Our Strategy

    A differentiated offering

    We invest in Southeast Asian companies with proven demand and product market fit. This allows us to focus on supply side issues and infrastructure needs to mitigate risk – solving the execution side of the hyperscale equation

    Strategy Point One

    We assist tech startups operationally through our proven regional operating expertise: this includes Operating Processes, Organizational Structure, Fundraising and M&A amongst other things.

    Our team has extensive experience working in and with many of the region’s leading startups, making us well-positioned to highlight potential roadblocks and implement best practices.

    Strategy Point Two

    Our capital base comprises established major family offices and corporates with unrivalled operating assets and infrastructure in Thailand and Indonesia.

    We bridge these relationships through our operational expertise, providing tailored strategic advantages to our portfolio companies across multiple sectors.

    Our Team

    Weng Kin Choo
    Weng Kin Choo
    Managing Partner

    Weng Kin possesses deep M&A experience within Southeast Asia’s technology sector across various stages, investments and sectors. He was previously the Vice President and key member of Provident Growth, an investment firm investing in leading technology companies in Southeast Asia. He also acted as director and board observer across multiple companies with a strong focus on value creation and special situations.

    Lloyd Lin
    Lloyd Lin
    Managing Partner
    Strategy & Operations

    Lloyd was a pioneering team member of Pomelo Fashion. He was involved in supporting the company’s growth from right before the Series A to post Series C and – amongst other responsibilities – built the company’s supply chain across China and Thailand, helping to turn it into one of Southeast’s Asia’s most valuable startups. He was previously the founder of two tech companies focusing on e-commerce and data mining.

    Ashok Palaniappan
    Ashok Palaniappan
    Managing Partner
    Investments & Technology

    Ashok, was previously the founder/CEO of nobos – a technology company that sold a suite of SaaS tooling to large-scale hospitality businesses in the US and Southeast Asia. Their customers included Fortune 500 companies and some of the world’s largest hotel businesses. He previously worked as a public/private equity investor at a New York-based hedge fund and started his career at Morgan Stanley.

